Albert K. Kwan, born in Hong Kong, third generation American. Educated in Hong Kong, Canada, the United States, China and Germany. Lived in Seattle and Bellevue areas of Washington State since 1981.
Licensed Real Estate Broker in Washington State since 1984, specialized in investing, developing, listing, purchasing and selling commercial and residential real estate and properties management. In 1998, became a Managing Broker.
Beside working with American clients, often consults, advises and assists clients from Hong Kong, Taiwan and China in all their various real estate, investments and business opportunities needs.
Certified and experienced Interpreter and translator in the U. S. Court Systems and Department of Defense since 1998.
Traveled the globe extensively, seeing places like Hong Kong, Beijing and China regularly. Grown up in the east west culture and customs; possessed vast knowledge and understandings of both the United States and China. Also experienced in related matters; relocations, tourists, immigrations, investments, businesses opportunities, medical treatments, international studies and educational management.
Fluent in Chinese Cantonese and Chinese Mandarin. Reads and writes in both traditional and simplified Chinese. Also speaks other languages.
Worked in the Department of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Services, Seattle District Office and the U. S. Embassy in Beijing, China.
Washington State Notary Public since 1988.
Served in the U. S. Army and the Army Reserve for over twenty-eight years, retired as a Sergeant First Class / E-7.
关国良, 英文名 Albert K. Kwan,在香港出生,是第三代美国公民. 在香港、加拿大、美国、中国和德国等地接受教育和做调研工作。 1981定居在美国华盛顿州的西雅图市和贝尔维尤市。 1984考取美国华盛顿州的物业顾问 Broker专业执照,从事房地产发展、 投资、买卖和物业管理的等专业工作, 于1998考取华州的高级物业顾问Managing Broker专业执照资格。 除了美国客户之外,经常接待香港、台湾和中国大陆等地的客户,相议、 计划和协助他们从事各种形式的房地产业务和其它相关的工商业投资事宜。 游厉世界;在中西文化传统中成长,经常往返香港、北京和中国大陆等地, 对中美两地的情况比较了解。尤其是在访问、移民、定居、医疗、投资和 留学等业务都特别熟练。 能操流利的中文广东话和普通话,能读写中文繁体字和简体字。其它语言。 曾在美国华盛顿州西雅图市美国移民局和中国北京美国大使馆服务。 1988美国华盛顿州政府授权的 ”公证人 / Notary Public” 1998美国法庭和国防部中英文翻译。 在美国陆军部队服务28 年多,退休美国陆军一等士官 ( SFC / E-7 )。
Cell Phone: 206-947-4338
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